Abaqus/CAE automatically projects midside nodes onto the geometry during meshing. In cases where the element quality is adversely affected, you can use the Reset Midside Nodes plug-in to reset the midside nodes of quadratic elements to the average position of the edge end nodes. You can define the region containing the nodes to reset by selecting from the geometry, mesh, sets, or surfaces. You can access the plug-in only from the Mesh module.
To reset midside nodes:
From the main menu bar in the Mesh module, select Plug-insTools
Reset Midside Nodes.
The Reset Midside Nodes dialog box appears.
Select one of the following methods to define the region containing the nodes to reset:
Pick from viewport
Select sets
Select surfaces
If you selected Pick from viewport, select regions from the viewport and click Done.
Abaqus/CAE resets the midside nodes of the quadratic elements in the selected region to the average position of the edge end nodes.
If you are selecting sets or surfaces, select existing sets or surfaces from the Region Selection dialog box that appears, and click OK. To limit the lists for easier selection, type a filter pattern into the Name filter field, and press the [Enter] key to apply the filter.
Tip: Toggle on Highlight selections in viewport to preview the selected sets or surfaces.
Abaqus/CAE resets the midside nodes of the quadratic elements in the selected region to the average position of the edge end nodes.
You can undo and redo multiple changes that you make resetting the midside nodes.
Click Dismiss to close the Reset Midside Nodes dialog box.