82.16 Creating a planar constraint

The Plane Remains Plane plug-in lets you constrain a planar face on a solid body using one or more of the following techniques:

The plug-in has the following limitations:

To create a planar constraint:

  1. From the main menu bar in the Interaction module, select Plug-insToolsPlane Remains PlaneCreate Planar Constraint or Create Parallel Planar Constraint.

  2. Follow the prompts to select the surface that is to remain planar. Select the surfaces either individually, by face angle, or by face curvature. See Selecting objects within the current viewport, Section 6.2, for instructions.

    Click Done when you are finished selecting surfaces.

  3. In the Scaling Factor for ARS Plane dialog box, enter your desired scaling factor for the analytical rigid surface, and click OK.

  4. If desired, select Plug-insToolsPlane Remains PlaneCreate Beam Element Normal to Plane to add a beam element normal to the plane. Follow the prompts to select an analytical rigid surface (to define the beam direction), specify the end point of the beam, and enter the length of the beam.