Select Plug-insTools
STL Import from the main menu bar to import a part from an external file in stereolithography (STL) format (*.stl) into Abaqus/CAE. The STL Import plug-in converts all part definitions and model data into Abaqus format, creating a new Abaqus/CAE model and a new Abaqus input file.
In practice, you might want to add the STL model data that you import to an existing Abaqus/CAE model. To add the STL parts or part instances to an existing Abaqus/CAE model after import, copy these objects from the newly created model to any other Abaqus/CAE model using the Copy Objects dialog box. For more information about copying model objects, see “Copying objects between models,” Section 9.8.3.
You can import an STL file saved in ASCII format on Windows or Linux platforms. You can import an STL file saved in binary format only on Windows platforms.
To import the model data from an STL file into Abaqus/CAE:
From the main menu bar, select Plug-insTools
STL Import.
The STL Import dialog box appears.
Specify the name of the STL file from which you want to import model data.
Abaqus/CAE populates the Model name field with the name of the STL file you selected.
If desired, edit the default model name specified in the Model name field for the new Abaqus/CAE model and the new Abaqus input file that will be created.
If desired, specify a node merge tolerance value. This tolerance must be positive.
Click OK to import the model data.
The plug-in converts the model data in the stereolithography file and creates an Abaqus/CAE model in the current model database and an Abaqus input file in your current working directory. If any STL data cannot be converted, the plug-in records errors or warnings about unconverted data in the log file.