You can use the free body options for view cuts in the Visualization module to customize how the resultant force and moment displayed on the active view cut are calculated and to customize the summation point and coordinate system transformation. Abaqus/CAE can calculate the resultant force and moment by cutting through the current display group or by cutting through the whole model. Calculating these values by cutting through the current display group provides greater flexibility—for example, you can calculate the total resultant force and moment over four specific locations in your model by including them all in the display group—but Abaqus/CAE will display the resultant force and moment data only when the view cut and the display group intersect.
You can also customize the content and appearance of all free body cuts in the current viewport; see “Customizing general display options for free body cuts,” Section 67.5.1.
Display of resultant force and moment data is available for view cuts of output databases only. You cannot display this data for view cuts when a model from the current model database is displayed in the Visualization module.
By default, Abaqus/CAE displays the resultant force and moment only once for each view cut for which you toggle on display of the resultant force and moment. If desired, you can also display a series of vectors that show the resultant force and moment data at regular intervals through the entire model or through a portion of the model.
To customize display and calculation of resultant force and moment on the active view cuts:
From the main menu bar in the Visualization module, select OptionsView Cut.
The View Cut Options dialog box appears.
You can also use the view cut manager to customize the cut options. From the main menu bar, select ToolsView Cut
Manager, and click Options in the view cut manager.
Click the Free Body tab.
From the Computation based on options:
Select Cutting through the current display group to compute the resultant force and moment based on a view cut through the current display group.
Select Cutting through the whole model to compute the resultant force and moment based on a view cut through the entire model.
If desired, customize the summation point or the coordinate system transformation options for the resultant force and moment vectors arising from view cuts.
From the Summation point options, select the three-dimensional location from which the resultant force and moment vectors originate.
Select Centroid of cut to place the summation point automatically at the centroid of the surface of the view cut.
Select User-defined, and specify a custom three-dimensional location in space or click to select the summation point from the viewport. The summation point is highlighted in the viewport.
From the Component resolution options, you can specify the coordinate system transformation that takes place when vectors are displayed in component form. (See “Customizing general display options for free body cuts,” Section 67.5.1, for more information about displaying force and moment vectors in component form.)
Select Normal and tangential to orient the component vectors with the normal and the tangent of the surface you select.
If desired, specify the Y-axis value of the tangent for the component vectors. This option enables you to enforce a uniform direction for the tangent vector when you display a series of free body cuts on view cut slices.
Select CSYS and a coordinate system to transform the component vectors to a custom coordinate system. Alternatively, you can click Create to create a new datum coordinate system.
The Component resolution options affect the display of resultant forces and moments only when component vector display is selected in the Free Body Plot Options dialog box.
Toggle on Show heat flow rate if available to display the heat flow rate in terms of energy per time across the view cut.
If you want to customize the content and appearance of the free body cuts in the viewport—both the free body cut displayed on the active view cut and those created using the Free Body toolset—click to access the Free Body Plot Options. See “Customizing general display options for free body cuts,” Section 67.5.1.
Click OK.
By default, view cuts persist only for the duration of your session. If you want to retain a view cut that you have defined to make it available in subsequent sessions, you can save it to an XML file, to a model database, or to an output database. For more information, see “Managing session objects and session options,” Section 9.9.
Click Apply to implement your changes.
The view cuts change to reflect your specifications.
By default, your changes are saved for the duration of the session and will affect all subsequent view cuts in that viewport. If you want to retain your changes for subsequent sessions, save them to a file. For more information, see “Saving customizations for use in subsequent sessions,” Section 55.1.1.