77.5 Coloring all geometry in the Visualization module

This section describes how to apply color coding to all viewable geometry in the current viewport when you are working in the Visualization module. To apply color coding to geometry and mesh elements from any of the other Abaqus/CAE modules, see Coloring geometry and mesh elements, Section 77.4. To color code by selected nodes or elements in the Visualization module instead of the entire geometry, see Coloring nodes or elements in the Visualization module, Section 77.6.

When an output database is selected in the Visualization module, you can select any of the following color mappings when you apply color coding to all of the geometry:

When a model in the current model database is selected in the Visualization module, only the Part instances color coding option is available.

Abaqus/CAE lists all the items for the current selection method in the Color Mappings table. Once you select a color mapping in the Color Code dialog box, you can also customize the display color of its individual items. See Selecting multiple items from lists and tables, Section 3.2.11, for more information. You make your selections directly from the table, and you can select multiple cells; for more information, see Selecting multiple items from lists and tables, Section 3.2.11.

To apply a color mapping to all of the geometry in the viewport from the Visualization module:

  1. Click the tool in the Color Code toolbar.

    Abaqus/CAE displays the Color Code dialog box, which displays the default color mappings for the current module.

  2. From the Color Code list, select All.

  3. From the By list, select the name of the color mapping that you want to apply.

  4. Click Apply.

    Abaqus/CAE color codes the current viewport according to the colors displayed in the Color Code dialog box.