74.4 Customizing stream display

This section describes how you can customize the color, line style, and arrows of streamlines using settings in the Stream Plot Options dialog box. You can open the Stream Plot Options dialog box by selecting OptionsStream from the main menu bar of the Visualization module of Abaqus/CAE.

The changes you make in the Stream Plot Options dialog box apply to all active streams in the current viewport only. Each viewport has separate stream options, which enables you to display streamlines differently in each viewport. For example, you can display streamlines using a uniform color in one viewport and display thicker streamlines that use banded contours based on the current primary variable in a different viewport.

You can also control the default settings that appear in the Stream Plot Options dialog box by editing the onCaeStartup() function in the Abaqus environment file (abaqus_v6.env). For more information, see Using Abaqus Scripting Interface commands in your environment file, Section 6.9 of the Abaqus Scripting User's Guide.

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