73.3.5 Editing sets and surfaces

You can edit an existing set or surface by reselecting entities in the viewport.

To edit a set or surface:

  1. From the main menu bar, select ToolsSetEditset of your choice or ToolsSurfaceEditsurface of your choice.

    Note:  You can also click Edit in the Set Manager or in the Surface Manager after selecting the name of the set or surface of interest.

    The set or surface is highlighted in the viewport, and Abaqus/CAE prompts you to reselect the objects for the set.

  2. In the viewport, reselect entities to include in the set or surface. Use [Shift] + Click and [Ctrl] + Click to change which entities are selected in the viewport.

    Tip:  You can use the Selection toolbar to limit the types of entities that you can select in the viewport. For more information, see Chapter 6, Selecting objects within the viewport.”

    When you are finished selecting entities, click mouse button 2.

    If you are editing a geometry set, you can select only geometry for the set. Similarly, if you are editing a node or element set, you can select only nodes or elements, respectively. If you are editing a set imported from an output database or from an input file that contains both nodes and elements or a set created using the Boolean union operator that contains nodes, elements, and geometry, Abaqus/CAE prompts you to choose the type of entity that you will be reselecting. If you reselect the nodes, Abaqus/CAE retains any original elements and geometry in the set. Repeat this step as needed to edit each type of entity.

  3. If necessary, specify the side or end of the regions that you want to include in the surface and then click mouse button 2. (For more information, see Specifying a particular side or end of a region, Section 73.2.5.)

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