In addition to general queries, you can query the model for information specific to the module you are using. Abaqus/CAE displays these module-specific queries at the bottom of the Query toolset under, “Modulename Module Queries.” The Query toolset can provide the following module-specific information:
Part module
The items under Part Module Queries provide the following module-specific information about the current part:
Part attributes
Modeling space
Type (deformable or rigid body)
Regeneration warnings
If any sets or surfaces in the selected part cannot be regenerated because their underlying geometry has been modified or deleted, Abaqus/CAE displays the set or surface name, the original number of faces, and the number of faces found during the query.
Substructure statistics
Abaqus/CAE displays the following information about the selected substructure part: the number of retained nodes, eigenmodes, and substructure loads in the part; the availability of the recovery matrix, gravity load vectors, reduced mass matrix, reduced structural damping matrix, and reduced viscous damping matrix in the substructure; and mass properties of the substructure.
Property module
The items under Property Module Queries provide the following module-specific information about the current part:
Section assignments
Sections assigned to a selected region
Regions missing sections
Regions that require a section assignment
Beam orientations
Beam orientations assigned to a selected wire region (Abaqus/CAE displays the (,
) axis system on the selected wire region)
Material orientations
Material orientations assigned to a selected region
Rebar orientations
Rebar reference orientations assigned to a selected region
Ply stack plot
Abaqus/CAE creates a new viewport and displays a graphical representation of a core sample through a region of a composite layup or composite section. The image shows the plies in the layup along with details of each ply, such as its fiber orientation, thickness, reference plane, and integration points.
Disjoint ply regions
Abaqus/CAE displays in the message area the names of the composite layups and the plies within them that contain disjoint regions.
Assembly module
The items under Assembly Module Queries provide the following module-specific information about a selected part instance:
Instance attributes
Name, type, and modeling space
Instance position
Position of the origin relative to the global coordinate system
Sum of the translations and rotations applied to the instance
Number of translational and rotational constraints applied
Step module
The Query toolset provides only general information in the Step module.
Interaction module
The item under Interaction Module Queries provides the following module-specific information about a selected wire:
Connector assignment information
Load module
The Query toolset provides only general information in the Load module.
Mesh module
The items under Mesh Module Queries provide the following module-specific information about a part or part instance:
Free/Non-manifold edges
Unmeshed regions
Unassociated geometry
Job module
None of the Abaqus/CAE toolsets are available in the Job module.
Visualization module
The items under Visualization Module Queries provide the following module-specific information:
Probe values. Abaqus/CAE displays information in the Probe Values dialog box as you move the cursor around the current viewport. Probing a model plot displays model data and analysis results; probing an X–Y plot displays X–Y curve data. For more information, see Chapter 51, “Probing the model.”
Stress linearization. Stress linearization is the separation of stresses through a section into constant membrane and linear bending stresses. Abaqus/CAE performs stress linearization calculations and displays the results in the form of an X–Y plot. For more information, see Chapter 52, “Calculating linearized stresses.”
Active elements or nodes. Abaqus/CAE displays the label numbers of all of the active nodes or active elements in the current viewport. For more information, see “Querying active node or element labels,” Section 50.2.2.
Ply stack plot. Abaqus/CAE creates a new viewport and displays a graphical representation of a core sample through a region of a composite layup or composite section. The image shows the plies in the layup along with details of each ply, such as its fiber orientation, thickness, reference plane, and integration points. For more information, see Chapter 53, “Viewing a ply stack plot.”
Sketch module
The items under Sketch Module Queries provide the following information about a selected constraint or sketch:
Constraint type
Constrained entity names
Number of geometries
Number of vertices
Number of constraints
Number of dimensions
Number of unconstrained degrees of freedom