You can always use the Query toolset to obtain general information about the model, regardless of which module you are using, although the Query toolset is not available in the Job module. The General Queries in the Visualization module are similar to those in the other modules, but they are discussed separately in Chapter 50, “Querying the model in the Visualization module,” due to differences in some selection methods and the inclusion of undeformed and deformed model data in the results.
For all other modules, the items under General Queries in the Query toolset provide the following general information:
Coordinates of a selected point or node
Distance between two selected points or nodes, or; in the Part module, the Property module, or the Mesh module; the distance between two points, nodes, edges, faces, or any combination of these objects. In the Mesh module the distance between two edges or faces is available only in the part context.
The angle between two edges or faces or between an edge and a face
For a selected feature:
Feature name
Status (if the feature is suppressed or if it failed to regenerate)
Parent feature names
Child feature names
Shell element normals
Display shell/membrane normal directions
Beam element tangents
Display beam/truss tangent directions
Mesh stack orientation
For hexahedral, wedge, and quadrilateral elements that you can use in a continuum shell, cohesive, cylindrical, or gasket mesh, Abaqus/CAE indicates the mesh stack orientation. For hexahedral and wedge elements, Abaqus/CAE colors the top face brown and the bottom face purple. For quadrilateral elements, arrows indicate the orientation of the elements. In addition, Abaqus/CAE highlights any element faces and edges that have inconsistent orientation.
Note: The query results do not account for changes made in the mesh stack orientation while defining a solid composite layup or a composite shell layup in the Property module.
For an assembly, part or part instance, geometric region, or element:
The total number of nodes and elements in the selected area
The number of elements for each element shape
For a selected element:
Element label
Element topology; for example, linear hexahedron
Abaqus element name; for example, C3D8I
Nodal connectivity
Mesh gaps/intersections
For a selected part or part instance:
Display element edges of boundary faces with incompatible interfaces
Display element edges of boundary faces with cracks or gaps
Display element edges of boundary faces that intersect other faces
Mass properties
For an assembly, selected part or part instance, geometric region, solid element, shell, solid face, beam, or truss, Abaqus/CAE returns some or all of the following information:
Surface area (displayed only for shell elements and for solid faces)
Area centroid
Volume centroid
Center of mass
Moments of inertia about the center of mass or about a specified point
For more information about this query, see “Querying mass properties,” Section 71.2.3.
Geometry diagnostics
Invalid, imprecise, or small geometry