70.4.1 An overview of the methods for partitioning edges

Select ToolsPartition from the main menu bar to display the Create Partition dialog box. When you choose Edge from the Create Partition dialog box, the Method list displays the following methods for partitioning edges:

Specify parameter by location

Pick a point anywhere along the edge. For detailed instructions, see Using the specify parameter by location method to partition edges, Section 70.5.1.

Enter parameter

Enter a parameter in the prompt area, as shown in Figure 70–5. An arrow along the edge indicates the direction of increasing parameter value from the start vertex (corresponding to an edge parameter value of zero) to the end vertex (corresponding to a value of one). For detailed instructions, see Using the enter parameter method to partition edges, Section 70.5.2.

Figure 70–5 Entering a parameter to partition an edge.

Select midpoint/datum point

Select the midpoint of the edge or a datum point along the edge, as shown in Figure 70–6. For detailed instructions, see Using the pick midpoint/datum point method to partition an edge, Section 70.5.3.

Figure 70–6 Selecting the midpoint or a datum to partition an edge.

Use datum plane

Select a datum plane. Abaqus/CAE creates the partition where the datum plane intersects the edges, as shown in Figure 70–7. Partitioning a group of selected edges with a datum plane is a useful technique for aligning a group of partitions. For detailed instructions, see Using the datum plane method to partition edges, Section 70.5.4.

Figure 70–7 Selecting a datum plane to partition edges.

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