You can access the Partition toolset by selecting ToolsPartition from the menu bar. The Create Partition dialog box appears, and you choose the type of geometry to partition—edge, face, or cell—from the buttons in the Type region at the top of the dialog box. The Method list changes to reflect the partitions you can create. Select the desired partition tool from the Method list, and follow the prompts in the prompt area to create the partition. Most of the tools allow you to partition multiple edges, faces, or cells in one operation. You can use a combination of drag select, [Shift] + Click, [Ctrl] + Click, and the angle method to select the edges, faces, or cells to partition. For more information, see “Selecting objects within the current viewport,” Section 6.2.
“An overview of partitioning techniques,” Section 70.4, provides an overview of the methods available for each type of partition. More information on creating partitions on parts and assemblies is provided in “Using the Partition toolset in the Part module,” Section 11.16.3, and “Partitioning the assembly,” Section 13.8.3.
You can also access the Partition toolset from the module toolbox; Figure 70–2 shows the hidden icons for all the partition tools in the module toolboxes.
To see a tooltip containing a short description of each partition tool, hold the mouse over the tool for a moment. For more information, see “Using toolboxes and toolbars that contain hidden icons,” Section 3.3.2.