The Feature Options dialog box provides settings that enable you to control whether Abaqus/CAE performs self-intersection checks and, in the Assembly module, to control the order in which Abaqus/CAE regenerates position constraints relative to other features. Tuning these options can help you speed up feature regeneration for your part or assembly. Select FeatureOptions from the main menu bar to display the Feature Options dialog box. You can also tune regeneration by clicking mouse button 3 on the feature in the Model Tree and selecting Options from the menu that appears.
In most cases the default settings will result in acceptable regeneration performance. You should modify the feature options only if Abaqus/CAE takes a long time to regenerate a part or the assembly. For more information, see “Tuning feature regeneration,” Section 65.3.
Note: Abaqus/CAE provides access to additional performance tuning options on the Memory tabbed page of the Options dialog box. The options on this page enable you to specify a limit for kernel memory, set a threshold for when Abaqus/CAE runs in reduced memory mode, and control geometric states in a memory cache. For more information, see “Customizing memory limits and regeneration options,” Section 68.1.
To tune regeneration performance:
From the main menu bar, select FeatureOptions.
Abaqus/CAE displays the Feature Options dialog box.
If you know that your features do not self-intersect or if you plan to remove the self-intersection during a subsequent operation, you can toggle off Perform self-intersection checks to speed up feature regeneration. For more information, see “What are self-intersection checks?,” Section 65.3.4.
If desired, modify the behavior that determines how Abaqus/CAE regenerates position constraints. For more information, see “How are position constraints regenerated?,” Section 65.3.5.
Click OK to change the feature options for the current model.
The feature options apply only to the current model and are saved in the model database.
If desired, you can also change the cache settings in the Memory tabbed page of the Options dialog box to change the number of geometric states that Abaqus/CAE automatically caches in memory; clear the memory associated with the part and assembly caches; or cache the current state of the part. For more information, see “Customizing memory limits and regeneration options,” Section 68.1.