Select MeshEdit from the main menu bar to insert pore pressure cohesive elements in crack regions, which allows you to model fluid flow into the adjacent material. You can select faces (solid cells), element faces (three-dimensional orphan meshes), edges (shells), or element edges (two-dimensional orphan meshes) to identify the crack regions. The region around the crack must be meshed prior to inserting cohesive seams. By default, Abaqus/CAE creates several sets and surfaces to help you make selections in subsequent procedures, such as section assignment.
To insert cohesive seams:
Enter the Mesh module. Select Part from the Object field in the context bar, and select a part that contains the crack region from the list.
From the main menu bar, select MeshEdit.
Abaqus/CAE displays the Edit Mesh dialog box.
You can also display the Edit Mesh dialog box using the tool, located at the bottom of the Mesh module toolbox.
From the Category field, choose Mesh.
From the Method list, select Insert cohesive seams.
Select the faces (for three-dimensional objects) or edges (for two-dimensional objects) that represent crack regions. You can use any of the following methods:
Select faces or edges from the viewport. You can select faces individually, by angle, or, for native meshes, by face curvature. You can select edges individually or by edge angle (for more information, see “Selecting objects within the current viewport,” Section 6.2). Click mouse button 2 when you have finished making selections.
Click Sets/Surfaces (for native meshes) or Surfaces (for orphan meshes) on the right side of the prompt area to display the Region Selection dialog box containing a list of available sets or surfaces. Select one or more sets or surfaces from the list, and click Continue.
Note: The default selection method is based on the selection method you most recently employed. To revert to the other method, click Select in Viewport or Sets/Surfaces (or Surfaces) on the right side of the prompt area.
By default, Abaqus/CAE creates several sets and surfaces. Click Options on the right side of the prompt area to select the sets or surfaces to be created and, if desired, to change the set or surface names from the default values.
From the buttons along the bottom of the Options dialog box, do the following:
Click OK to save your settings and to close the dialog box.
Click Defaults to reset the set and surface selections and names to the default values.
Click Clear to clear all of the set and surface selections and names.
Click Cancel to close the dialog box.
Click Done in the prompt area.
Abaqus/CAE inserts cohesive pore pressure elements and creates the specified sets and surfaces.