64.2 What is the difference between editing an orphan mesh, a meshed part, and a meshed part instance in the assembly?

You can display either parts containing a combination of orphan and native mesh components or the assembly in the Mesh module. You can use all of the tools in the Edit Mesh toolset to edit an orphan mesh; however, you can use only the following tools to edit a meshed part instance in the assembly:

If you select a part instead of a part instance in the assembly, you can use the mesh editing tools listed above plus the following additional tools:

In general, you cannot use the Edit Mesh toolset to modify the mesh of a dependent part instance. However, you can edit, drag, and project the nodes of a dependent part instance; Abaqus/CAE modifies the original meshed part, and your modifications appear on all dependent instances of the part.

You can create an orphan mesh in the Mesh module, or you can import an orphan mesh from an output database or an Abaqus input file. You can add geometric features to an orphan mesh in the Part module. An instance of an orphan mesh is always a dependent instance and; therefore, you cannot use the Edit Mesh toolset to edit an instance of an orphan mesh in the assembly. However, you can display the original orphan mesh that was used to create the instance and edit the part. For more information, see What is the difference between a dependent and an independent part instance?, Section 13.3.2.

The Mesh Edit Undo feature can roll back any change you make to the mesh. For more information, see Undoing or redoing a change in the Edit Mesh toolset, Section 64.9.