You can use the Edit Mesh toolset in the Mesh module to improve the mesh quality. You can modify an orphan mesh, or you can modify an Abaqus native mesh. This chapter covers the following topics:
“What can I do with the Edit Mesh toolset?,” Section 64.1
“What is the difference between editing an orphan mesh, a meshed part, and a meshed part instance in the assembly?,” Section 64.2
“Meshing strategies and mesh editing techniques,” Section 64.3
“An overview of the mesh editing tools,” Section 64.4
“Editing nodes,” Section 64.5
“Editing elements,” Section 64.6
“Editing the entire mesh,” Section 64.7
“Editing and refining an orphan mesh,” Section 64.8
“Undoing or redoing a change in the Edit Mesh toolset,” Section 64.9