63.2 Creating discrete fields

The Discrete Field toolset is available in the Property module, Interaction module, and Load module. Select ToolsDiscrete FieldCreate from the main menu bar to create a discrete field.

To create a discrete field:

  1. From the main menu bar, select ToolsDiscrete FieldCreate.

    Tip:  You can also click Create in the Discrete Field Manager.

  2. In the Name text field, enter a name for the discrete field. For information on naming objects, see Using basic dialog box components, Section 3.2.1.

  3. In the Description text field, enter a description for the discrete field.

  4. Choose Elements or Nodes to specify the type of location to which the field will be applied.

  5. Choose the data type.

    • Choose Scalar to enter scalar field data.

    • The Orientation option is available for fields associated with elements. Choose Orientation, and do the following:

      1. Choose the coordinate system type—Cartesian, Cylindrical, or Spherical.

      2. Toggle on Supplied orientation directions are defined in part space to specify that the orientation directions are defined at the part or part instance level. When you define the orientations in the part space, Abaqus transforms the orientation values from the part's coordinate system into the assembly coordinate system using the part instance transformation. Toggle off this option to specify that the orientation directions are defined at the assembly level.

    • Choose Prescribed condition to include degree of freedom values in the field data.

  6. Enter the default component value or values. For information on how Abaqus uses the default values, see Evaluating discrete fields, Section 63.3. Scalar discrete fields require one default component value. Orientation discrete fields require six default component values. Prescribed condition discrete fields require six default component values and up to six degree of freedom values.

  7. In the Field Data table, enter the following values:

    • Element or node number and its associated component value or values.

      When creating discrete fields that will be used with assembly-level or history objects, such as loads or interactions, you must specify the complete name of the node or element numbers, as described in Naming conventions” in “Defining an assembly, Section 2.10.1 of the Abaqus Analysis User's Guide. For example, you would specify the part instance name and element id using the notation Part_instance_name.EID, such as PART-2–1.20.

    • For prescribed condition discrete fields, enter the degree of freedom values.

    Click mouse button 3 on the table to see a menu that allows you to do the following:
    • Cut, copy, and paste values

    • Insert and delete rows

    • Clear a table cell or the entire table

    • Read from or write to a comma-separated file

    For more information, see Entering tabular data, Section 3.2.7.

  8. Click OK to create the discrete field and to exit the editor.

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