62.5.2 An overview of the methods for creating a datum axis

When you choose Axis from the Create Datum dialog box, the Method list displays the following methods for creating a datum axis:

Principal axis

Select one of the three principal axes with which the datum axis must be colinear, as shown in Figure 62–13. For detailed instructions, see Creating a datum axis along a principal axis, Section 62.7.1.

Figure 62–13 Defining a datum axis as one of the three principal axes.

Intersection of 2 planes

Select two non-parallel planar surfaces. Abaqus/CAE creates the datum axis where the two planes (or extensions of the two planes) intersect, as shown in Figure 62–14. For detailed instructions, see Creating a datum axis along the intersection of two planes, Section 62.7.2.

Figure 62–14 Defining a datum axis as the intersection of two planes.

Straight edge

Select a straight edge on the model with which the datum axis must be colinear, as shown in Figure 62–15. For detailed instructions, see Creating a datum axis along a straight edge, Section 62.7.3.

Figure 62–15 Defining a datum axis as a straight edge on the model.

2 points

Select any two points on the model through which the datum axis must pass, as shown in Figure 62–16. For detailed instructions, see Creating a datum axis through two points, Section 62.7.4.

Figure 62–16 Defining a datum axis by selecting two points.

Axis of cylinder

Select a cylindrical face on the model. Abaqus/CAE creates a datum axis that lies along the axis of the cylindrical face, as shown in Figure 62–17. For detailed instructions, see Creating a datum axis along the axis of a cylinder, Section 62.7.5.

Figure 62–17 Defining a datum axis as the axis of a cylinder.

Normal to plane, thru point

Select a plane and a point that is not on the plane. Abaqus/CAE creates a datum axis that is normal to the plane and passes through the point, as shown in Figure 62–18. For detailed instructions, see Creating a datum axis normal to a plane and passing through a point, Section 62.7.6.

Figure 62–18 Defining a datum axis by selecting a point and a plane.

Parallel to line, thru point

Select an edge of the model and a point outside the edge. Abaqus/CAE creates a datum axis that is parallel to the edge and passes through the point, as shown in Figure 62–19. For detailed instructions, see Creating a datum axis parallel to a line and passing through a point, Section 62.7.7.

Figure 62–19 Defining a datum axis by selecting a point and an edge.

3 points on circle

Select three points on the model that define a circle. Abaqus/CAE creates a datum axis along the axis of the circle, as shown in Figure 62–20. For detailed instructions, see Creating a datum axis running along the axis of a circle defined by three points, Section 62.7.8.

Figure 62–20 Defining a datum axis as the axis of a circle.

Rotate from line

Select an edge and an axis of rotation, and specify the angle through which the edge will be rotated. Abaqus/CAE creates a datum axis by rotating the edge about the axis through the specified angle, as shown in Figure 62–21. For detailed instructions, see Creating a datum axis by rotating an existing edge through a specified angle, Section 62.7.9.

Figure 62–21 Defining a datum axis by rotating an edge through a specified angle.

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