You can remove attachment points and lines from your model. The removed attachment points or lines appear in the Model Tree as a Remove Attachments feature in the Features container under the part or assembly, depending on the module in which the attachment points or lines were created. You can suppress or delete the Remove Attachments feature to restore the removed attachment points or lines. Attachment points created in the Part module or Property module can be removed only from these two modules; attachment points and lines created in the Assembly module or Interaction module can be removed only from these two modules.
To remove attachment points and lines:
From the main menu bar, select ToolsAttachment
Remove attachments.
From the current viewport, select the attachment points or lines to remove. You can click Sets from the right side of the prompt area to remove a previously defined set.
If you are in the Part module or Property module, click Done in the prompt area to indicate that you have finished selecting attachment points to remove.
The selected attachment points are removed from the model and a Remove Attachments feature is created in the Model Tree under the part.
If you are in the Interaction module or Assembly module, do the following:
In the prompt area, click Done to indicate that you have finished selecting attachment points or lines to remove.
In the dialog box that appears, do one of the following:
Click Yes to continue and remove the selected attachment points or lines from the model.
A Remove Attachments feature is created in the Model Tree under the assembly.
Click No to return to the viewport to modify the selected attachment points or lines to remove.
Click Cancel to exit the procedure without removing any attachment points or lines.
If desired, select additional attachment features to remove.
Click mouse button 2 to exit the remove attachments procedure.