57.1 Understanding the role of the Amplitude toolset

The Amplitude toolset allows you to create any type of amplitude that is supported by Abaqus/Standard, Abaqus/Explicit, or Abaqus/CFD. Amplitudes created in the Amplitude toolset always involve relative data, while amplitudes defined directly in the input file can involve either relative or absolute data. (For more information, see Specifying relative or absolute data in Amplitude curves, Section 34.1.2 of the Abaqus Analysis User's Guide.) You can also use the Amplitude toolset to define a spectrum to be used in a response spectrum analysis.

Select ToolsAmplitudeCreate from the main menu to create a new amplitude definition; select Edit from the same menu to make changes to an existing definition. Either command opens the amplitude editor, which allows you to select the options and provide the data needed to define your amplitude.

You can also plot amplitude data in much the same way that you can plot X–Y data. For more information about using the Amplitude Plotter plug-in, see Plotting amplitude data, Section 82.12.

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