By default, plot display customizations persist for the current session only, but you can save customizations to a file if you want to apply them to subsequent sessions. Abaqus/CAE offers the following methods to retain plot display customizations:
Saving customizations to the display options file
Select FileSave Display Options from the main menu bar to save all your plot state–dependent and plot state–independent customization options as display options. Display options are stored in a file called abaqus_2016.gpr, and Abaqus/CAE loads the settings in this file automatically upon startup as the new default settings throughout your session. For plot state customization, saving your display options to a file enables you to store settings such as the render style, the visibility of prescribed conditions and the various types of datum geometry, and the display of mesh, element, and node labels.
For more information, see “Saving your display options settings,” Section 76.16.
Saving customizations to an XML file, model database, or output database
Select FileSave Session Objects from the main menu bar to save selected plot state–dependent and plot state–independent customization options to an XML file, the model database, or an output database. When you use this method, you can save all the customization options or you can save just the customization options related to one or more plot states. For example, you can save customizations you make in the common plot options and in the contour plot options to a file.
If you save customizations to a model database or an output database, those settings are used when you open the file. When you load customizations from an XML file, these customizations become the new settings for your session. You can load settings from a file by selecting FileLoad Session Objects.
For more information, see “Managing session objects and session options,” Section 9.9.