54.3.2 Selecting field output variables

You can select one or more field output variables to include in your tabular report. The variables that are available consist of those you have saved to the output database for the current step and frame; this step and frame is identified at the top of the Report Field Output dialog box.

Abaqus/CAE can calculate and report values for a given variable at a variety of positions. The possible report positions are: integration point, centroid, element nodal, and unique nodal.

Element nodal and unique nodal positions both involve reporting results at the nodes of the model; however, reporting of unique nodal values produces only a single value at each node, whereas reporting of element nodal values produces one value for each element that has a contribution at that node. Only unique nodal values are provided in the case of node-based variables such as displacement. For element-based variables such as stress, extrapolation and averaging must be carried out to obtain unique nodal values. The use of averaging threshold values and the control of averaging across regional and material boundaries will affect the element nodal values reported for element based results (for more information, see Selecting result options, Section 42.6). The following table summarizes which output positions can be reported, depending on what position was used when the variable was saved to the output database:

 Report Position
Output Database PositionIntegration pointCentroidElement NodalUnique Nodal
Integration PointYesYesYesYes
Element NodalNoNoYesYes
Unique NodalNoNoNoYes
Contact surface variables such as CNORMF, CSHEARF, CPRESS, COPEN, CSLIP, CSHEAR1, and CSHEAR2 can be reported only at the element nodal position.

For information on selecting the section point locations at which to report output variables, see Selecting field output section points, Section 54.3.3.

To select field output report data:

  1. Locate the options for field output report variables.

    From the main menu bar, select ReportField Output; then click the Variable tab in the dialog box that appears.

  2. Click the Position arrow to reveal possible positions at which to list variables for your selection; then choose the desired position. Multiple variables can be combined in a single table only if they are reported at the same position.

    The list of variables is refreshed to show only those that can be reported at the selected position.

  3. Select the field output variables to include in your report using either the check box next to each variable in the list (this method is the default) or the Edit text field at the bottom of the page.

    Note:  You must use the check box method if you want to specify an individual section point at which to report values.

    To use the check box method:

    1. To select a variable and all of its components, click that variable's check box.

    2. To choose among the individual components of a variable, click the arrow next to that variable's check box to list its components; then click individual component check boxes to select them.

    To use the edit method:

    In the Edit text field, enter the names of the variables and components to include in your report. To be valid, a variable must be available on the output database and reportable at the current position.

To generate your report, configure the remaining options on the Setup page, which is also in the Report Field Output dialog box; then click Apply. When you have finished, click Cancel to close the dialog box.

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