54.7 Formatting report values

You can specify the number of significant digits (for X–Y data reports, field output reports, and probe value reports) or the total number of decimal places (for free body cut reports) to present in your tabular data report. For X–Y data reports, field output reports, and probe value reports, the default number of significant digits is 6; for free body cut reports, the default number of decimal places is 3. More digits give greater precision but take more space and increase the width of the tables; the number of significant digits or decimal places used determines the width of each column in the table. In addition, you can select one of the following number formats for your data values:


Very large values and very small values are expressed in scientific format. All remaining values are expressed with no exponent and using the specified number of significant digits. This format is available for X–Y data reports, field output reports, and probe value reports.


Values greater than or equal to 1000 (or values less than or equal to 0.001) are expressed as a number ranging from 1 to 999 that is multiplied by 10 to the nth power, where n is a product of 3 (for example, 20.5E+03 or 17.76E+06). All remaining values are expressed using the specified number of significant digits.


All values are expressed without using exponent values. When you select this format, the number 501,000 is displayed in the legend as 501000.00. This number format is available only for free body cut reports, and your legend values may be displayed differently if you change the Decimal places option.


All values are expressed as a number between 1 and 10 that is multiplied by an appropriate power of 10 (for example, 2.05E+04 or 1.776E+07).

The default format is Engineering for X–Y data reports, field output reports, and probe value reports and Scientific for free body cut reports.

To format report values:

  1. Locate the Output Format options.

    For a report of X–Y data or field output:

    From the main menu bar, select ReportXY or ReportField Output; then click the Setup tab in the dialog box that appears. The Output Format options are in the center of the page.

    For a report of free body cuts:

    From the main menu bar, select ReportFree Body Cut. The Output Format options are in the center of the page.

    For a report of probe values:

    From the main menu bar, select ToolsQuery, then click Probe values in the dialog box that appears. The Probe Values dialog box appears.

    Move the cursor to probe the model or X–Y plot in the current viewport, then click mouse button 1 to store values of interest in the dialog box. When you are finished, click Write to File. The Report Probe Values dialog box appears; the Output Format options are in the center of the dialog.

  2. Specify the precision level for numerical values in the report:

    • For X–Y, field output, or probe value reports, specify this value in the Number of significant digits text field.

    • For free body cut reports, enter this value in the Decimal places text field.

    You can also click the arrows next to the applicable field until the desired number appears.

  3. Click the Number Format button, and select the number format of your choice from the list that appears.

To generate your report, configure the remaining options in the dialog box; then click Apply (for X–Y, field output, or free body cut reports) or OK (for probe values reports). When you have finished, click Cancel to close the dialog box.

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