49.4.5 Customizing animation of X–Y plots

When you animate a time-dependent X–Y plot, Abaqus/CAE adds a vertical line to the plot that moves along the X-axis to highlight the current time. The plot also displays a colored symbol at the data point on each X–Y curve that occurred closest to the current time; time tracker symbols do not appear at the exact intersection of the time tracker line and an X–Y curve unless that curve contains a data point at the currently displayed time. The figure below shows an X–Y plot with the time tracker line and symbols displayed.

By default, the time tracker line and symbols are displayed using the highlight method that you have selected for your session; see Choosing a highlight method, Section 7.4, for more information. However, you can customize their appearance by changing the color, thickness, and style of the time tracker line and the color, shape, and size of the time tracker symbols. Alternatively, you can completely suppress either time tracker component. The default highlight method offers the best performance.

Note:  These line and symbol options control the appearance of the time tracker only. You can also customize the lines and symbols used to display the X–Y curves themselves; see Customizing the appearance of an X–Y curve, Section 47.6.4.

To customize the appearance of the time tracker:

  1. Locate the XY options.

    In the prompt area, click Animation Options; and click the XY tab in the dialog box that appears.

  2. Toggle off Draw using highlight method if you want to customize the appearance of the X–Y plot time tracker.

  3. Toggle Show line to display or suppress the time tracker line.

    When Show line is on, the time tracker line is displayed and the line attribute options are enabled.

  4. Choose the time tracker line style:

    1. Click the Style button to reveal the line style options (solid, dashed, etc.).

    2. From the style list, click the desired line style.

      The specified line style appears on the Style button.

  5. Choose the time tracker line thickness:

    1. Click the Thickness button to reveal the line thickness options.

    2. From the thickness list, click the desired line thickness.

      The specified thickness appears on the Thickness button.

  6. Choose the time tracker line color:

    1. Click the color sample .

      Abaqus/CAE displays the Select Color dialog box.

    2. Use one of the methods in the Select Color dialog box to select a new color. For more information, see Customizing colors, Section 3.2.9.

    3. Click OK to close the Select Color dialog box.

      The color sample changes to the selected color.

  7. Toggle Show symbol to display or suppress the symbols representing the current value of each selected X–Y curve's data points.

    When Show symbol is on, symbols are displayed and the symbol attributes are enabled.

  8. Choose the symbol:

    1. Click the Symbol button to reveal the choice of symbols.

    2. From the list of symbols, click the desired symbol.

      The specified symbol appears on the Symbol button.

  9. Choose the time tracker symbol color:

    1. Click the color sample .

      Abaqus/CAE displays the Select Color dialog box.

    2. Use one of the methods in the Select Color dialog box to select a new color. For more information, see Customizing colors, Section 3.2.9.

    3. Click OK to close the Select Color dialog box.

      The color sample changes to the selected color.

  10. Choose the time tracker symbol size:

    1. Click the Size button to reveal the symbol size options.

    2. From the symbol size options, click the desired symbol size.

      The specified symbol size appears on the Size button.

  11. Click Apply.

    The current viewport displays your color, thickness, style, and symbol selections.

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