47.9.1 Displaying or hiding the X–Y plot legend

The X–Y plot legend provides a key to associate each curve included in the plot with the X–Y data object that it represents. Each legend entry contains a line segment in the color and style shown in the plot. The legend entry also includes text stating, by default, the description of the X–Y data object represented by the curve. You can display or hide the legend using the Chart Legend Options.

To display or hide the X–Y plot legend:

  1. Locate the Chart Legend Options.

    Select OptionsXY OptionsChart Legend; or click , which is located with the X–Y plotting tools in the Visualization module toolbox.

    Tip:  You can also open this dialog box directly by double-clicking the legend in the viewport when an X–Y plot is displayed. You cannot select a component in an X–Y plot directly from the viewport when an active procedure is in effect; cancel the current procedure before selecting items from an X–Y plot.

  2. Click the Contents tab, if it is not already selected.

  3. Toggle on Show legend to display the legend, or toggle it off to hide the legend.

  4. Click Dismiss to close the Chart Legend Options dialog box.

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