47.6.3 Customizing the X–Y plot legend

The legend of an X–Y plot provides a key to associate each curve included in the plot with the X–Y data object that it represents. Each legend entry contains a line segment in the color and style shown in the plot. The legend entry also includes text stating, by default, the name of the X–Y data represented by the curve. You can customize this text using the Curve Options.

The remaining characteristics of the legend are controlled by options in the Viewport Annotation Options dialog box. For information on customizing the legend and on including in the legend a report of the minimum and maximum X–Y values, see Customizing the legend, Section 56.1.

To customize the legend text of an X–Y plot:

  1. Locate the Attributes options for X–Y curves.

    The Attributes frame is at the bottom of the Curve Options dialog box.

  2. In the Curves options, select one or more curves whose legend text you want to modify.

  3. In the Legend Text field, enter the custom legend text. You can also revert to the default legend text by toggling on Use default.

  4. Click Dismiss to close the Curve Options dialog box.

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