47.2.5 Reading X–Y data from an ASCII file

You can read X–Y data from an ASCII text file that contains columns of numerical data separated by commas, tabs, or spaces. The file can contain more than two columns of data; you can specify which columns (fields) correspond to the X- and Y-axis data. You can also specify which rows of data to read from the file.

To read X–Y data from an ASCII file:

  1. Locate the XY Data from ASCII File options:

    From the main menu bar, select ToolsXY DataCreate. Click ASCII file in the dialog box that appears; then click Continue.

    Tip:  You can also specify X–Y data by clicking Create in the XY Data Manager or by using the tool in the toolbox.

    The XY Data from ASCII File dialog box appears.

  2. Enter the name of your ASCII file in one of the following ways:

    • Type the name into the File window at the top of the dialog box, or

    • Click Select to filter and browse existing file names.

      The ASCII File Selection dialog box appears.

      Filter and browse existing files. When you locate the file you want, click the name to select it; then click OK.

  3. Specify which columns of the file to read. Columns can be separated by spaces, tabs, or commas. Multiple consecutive spaces, tabs, and/or commas are interpreted as a single field delimiter.

    1. To specify the column within the file to read as X-values, enter an integer in the Read X values from field box. The default is field 1, the first column.

    2. To specify the column within the file to read as Y-values, enter an integer in the Read Y values from field box. The default is field 2, the second column.

  4. To assign quantity types to the values in the X- or Y-columns, expand the Quantity Types list for the X or Y column and select quantity types from the lists that appear.

  5. Specify which rows of the file to read; the default is all rows.

    • Click Read all to read every row of the file, or

    • Click Skip; then enter the number of file rows to skip in the rows between reads box. A value of 0 means read all rows; a value of 1 means read every other row. Reading always begins with the first row.

  6. To evaluate and display the data, click Plot.

    An X–Y plot appears in the current viewport. The plot represents the data you have configured in the dialog box, which Abaqus considers temporary data whether or not you have clicked Save As to save it.

  7. To save the data you have configured, click Save As.

    Note:  To plot your saved X–Y data object, select ToolsXY DataPlot from the main menu bar and choose the X–Y data object from the pull-right menu.

  8. When you have finished, click Dismiss to close the dialog box.

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