For general analysis steps an undeformed plot displays the shape of your model without any deformation. For linear perturbation steps an undeformed plot displays the base state of your model. Since analysis results are not needed; an output database resulting from a datacheck run is sufficient to produce an undeformed shape plot. Model and analysis characteristics such as surface definitions can cause the appearance of your undeformed model to vary from step to step; you can select the step and frame at which to display your undeformed plot. For more information, see “Selecting the results step and frame,” Section 42.3.
By default, when you open an output database, Abaqus/CAE displays the undeformed plot state for the last step and frame of the analysis. The plot is produced using the default display options for the current session (for information on saving display options, see “Saving your display options settings,” Section 76.16). To produce an undeformed shape plot for an output database that is already open, select PlotUndeformed Shape from the main menu bar or use the
tool in the toolbox.
To modify an undeformed shape plot:
Use the File menu to open the output database containing your model data.
Use the Result menu to select the results step to display.
Select the plot state–independent customization options that you want.
Abaqus automatically refreshes your undeformed plot each time you click Apply in the results or plot state–independent dialog boxes.