Contour plots, model probing, view cuts based on an isosurface, and X–Y plots of results along a model path all show the values of a particular field output variable at a specified step and frame of your analysis. Similarly, when you form a display group or specify color coding based on results, or when you display a load or predefined field from data in the current model database, these results pertain to a particular field output variable. The variable whose values are shown is called the primary field output variable.
Deformed plots show the shape of your model based on the values of a nodal variable (such as displacement) at a specified step and frame of your analysis. The variable whose values are shown is called the deformed field output variable.
Symbol plots show the magnitude and directions of a particular vector or tensor variable at a specified step and frame of the analysis. A symbol plot can also the magnitude and direction of a selected load or predefined field in a model from the current model database. The variable whose values are shown is called the symbol field output variable.
You can specify result-based criteria for element failure for a selected field output variable and remove elements that meet the failure criteria from model plots. The variable for which you define the failure criteria is called the status field output variable.
You can specify velocity or vorticity data for stream display. The variable for which you display these data is called the stream field output variable.
You can choose to display contour and symbol plots on either the undeformed or deformed model shape. When you use the deformed model shape, the contours or symbols represent the values of the primary field output variable or symbol field output variable, respectively, while the shape of the underlying model is determined by the values of the deformed field output variable.
To select field output:
Locate the Field Output options.
From the main menu bar, select ResultField Output. The Field Output dialog box appears.
You can also access these options by clicking the Field Output button in any dialog box in which it appears or by clicking in the Field Output toolbar.
Select the primary, deformed, symbol, and status field output variables that you want as described in the following sections:
“Selecting the primary field output variable,” Section 42.5.3
“Selecting the deformed field output variable,” Section 42.5.4
“Selecting the symbol field output variable,” Section 42.5.5
“Selecting the status field output variable,” Section 42.5.6
“Selecting the stream field output variable,” Section 42.5.7
The model plot in the current viewport changes to show the variables you have selected. If active, the text in the legend and state block changes to identify the variables associated with the plot. For more information on the legend and state block, see “Customizing the legend,” Section 56.1, and “Customizing the state block,” Section 56.3. In addition, Abaqus refreshes all dialog boxes in which the currently selected variables are identified.