37.4 Editing springs and dashpots connecting two points

You can edit springs and dashpots that connect two points to add more point pairs, delete point pairs, or edit a point of an existing point pair.

To edit springs and dashpots that connect two points:

  1. From the main menu bar in the Property module or the Interaction module, select SpecialSprings/DashpotsEditname to display the Edit Springs/Dashpots dialog box.

    The symbols representing springs/dashpots are highlighted in the viewport.

  2. From the Spring/Dashpot Point Pairs table, you can do the following:

    • To define additional springs/dashpots with the same behavior, click and repeat the point selection procedures described in the previous steps to define the first and second points of each spring/dashpot.

    • To edit a point in the table, select the point in the table, double-click on it or click , and reselect a point. The selection highlighting in the viewport is updated to show the newly edited point.

    • To identify a specific spring/dashpot in the viewport, select the desired row number. The highlighted dashed line connecting the selected point pairs appears bolder in the viewport.

    • To remove springs/dashpots from the table, select the desired row numbers ([Shift] + Click to select multiple rows) and click . [Ctrl] + Click a row number to unselect it.

    • To remove all springs/dashpots from the table, click .

  3. Finish editing the springs/dashpots definition as desired, and click OK.

    The symbols representing springs/dashpots in the viewport appear on the newly edited points.

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