29.5.1 Mapping the template model surfaces to main model surfaces

You use the Surfaces tabbed page to assign the constraint surfaces from the template model to the corresponding target surfaces that will be fastened in your main model. The constraint surfaces must be mapped into the main model to enable the constraint behaviors in the main model.

All surfaces involved in the template model constraints must have assigned names. The corresponding target surfaces in the main model must also have names.

To map the template model surfaces into the main model:

  1. From the Edit Fasteners dialog box, display the Surfaces tabbed page.

  2. In the Constraint Surface Substitutions table, assign each Template Surface to an Assignment Surface in the main model.

    The Template Surface column will be prepopulated with the names of any template model surfaces involved in tie constraints, coupling constraints, or adjust points constraints. If the template surfaces are ordered correctly, you can simply choose the main model surface names in the Assignment Surface column of the table. If you need to change the order of the template model surfaces that will be assigned, click in each table cell and then click the arrow that appears to display the list of available surface names. The template surfaces are initially listed in ascending Z-axis order, but you can change the order to coincide with your template fastener design. However, the ordering of the surfaces is not significant beyond the selection of the first surface, because the corresponding assignment surface normal is used to orient the assembled fastener.

    To choose the main model assignment surface for each template surface, click in the corresponding table cell and click the arrow that appears to choose from the list of available surfaces in the main model. If you have not assigned a name to any of the surfaces you need to use, click (Create Assignment Surface) to define a new surface and add it to the list.

  3. You can toggle on Render template surfaces to show the surfaces in the main model, if desired.