29.1.2 About discrete fasteners

Discrete fasteners make use of attachment lines to create connectors and couplings between selected faces in Abaqus/Standard and Abaqus/Explicit. Figure 29–3 shows a discrete fastener that uses attachment lines and connectors (Beam connection type) to model a spot weld across three surfaces. The user first created attachment lines at the locations of the spot welds. The attachment lines were used to define the location of the discrete fastener.

Figure 29–3 A spot weld across three surfaces modeled with a discrete fastener.

The process of creating an attachment line is similar to the process of creating point-based fasteners. You select a starting point and specify which of the two methods Abaqus/CAE will use to project the point onto the closest face. Figure 29–4 shows the two methods for creating an attachment line that is used to define a discrete fastener.

Figure 29–4 Creating an attachment line that is used to define a discrete fastener.

Abaqus/CAE projects the attachment line along a normal to the closest face. You can use the following two methods to determine the number of faces that are connected by the attachment line:

For each attachment line, Abaqus/CAE determines the fastening points and applies a distributing coupling between each fastening point and its corresponding surface. After you assign a connector section to the attachment line, Abaqus/CAE creates a connector, and the discrete fastener is considered to be fully defined. You can control the accuracy of the attachment line position on a faceted representation of a part instance by specifying the level of curve refinement in the Part module and the Property module. For more information, see Controlling curve refinement, Section 76.4.

If your model is complex, Abaqus/CAE can create a chain of attachment lines connecting multiple surfaces that would be time consuming to create manually. In contrast with point-based fasteners, you can view attachment lines and discrete fasteners and their connectors and couplings outside the Visualization module.

If two surfaces are used by two attachment lines and share a common face, Abaqus/CAE merges the two faces into a single face when you submit the model for analysis. This results in better performance by Abaqus/Standard or Abaqus/Explicit, especially when the fasteners connect nodes across faces of a refined orphan mesh.

When you submit a job that contains a model with discrete fasteners for analysis, Abaqus/CAE writes special comment lines to the input file. These special comment lines, which are ignored by the Abaqus solvers, allow Abaqus/CAE to recreate the fully defined discrete fasteners upon import into Abaqus/CAE. For more information, see Importing interactions, constraints, and fasteners” in “Importing a model from an Abaqus input file, Section 10.5.2.

An example of creating discrete fasteners is illustrated in the Python script included in Buckling of a column with spot welds, Section 1.2.3 of the Abaqus Example Problems Guide.