20.19.4 Deleting Sketcher objects

Use the delete tool from the Sketcher toolbox to remove Sketcher objects: lines, arcs, circles, fillets, splines, points, constraints, dimensions, or parameters.

To delete Sketcher objects:

  1. From the Sketcher toolbox, select the delete tool . For a diagram of the tools in the Sketcher toolbox, see The Sketcher tools, Section 20.4.1.

    Abaqus/CAE displays prompts in the prompt area to guide you through the procedure.

  2. Select all the objects you want to delete. Select a filter from the prompt area to limit the available selections to Geometry, Dimensions (including parameters), or Constraints; the default filter, Any, does not limit your selection.

    Both sketch and construction geometry can be deleted; reference geometry cannot be deleted.

    Tip:  To select more than one object, hold down the [Shift] key as you click each object or drag a rectangle around the objects. To unselect an object, use [Ctrl] + Click. For more information, see Chapter 6, Selecting objects within the viewport.”

  3. When you have finished selecting objects, click mouse button 2.

    Abaqus/CAE deletes the selected objects and any associated dimensions or constraints.

    Tip:  To restore accidentally deleted objects, click the undo tool in the Sketcher toolbox.

  4. To delete more objects, repeat the above steps beginning with Step 2.

  5. When you have finished deleting objects, do one of the following:

    • Click mouse button 2 anywhere in the Abaqus/CAE window.

    • Select any tool in the Sketcher toolbox.

    • Click the cancel button in the prompt area.

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