20.18.1 Removing gaps and overlaps

Use the Remove gaps and overlaps tool to repair imported sketches that include gaps or overlaps. Gaps or overlaps can occur when you import a sketch into Abaqus/CAE from a CAD system that measures sketch geometry using different tolerance values than Abaqus/CAE. The sketch in figure Figure 20–27 includes a gap in the upper left and a small overlap at the midpoint of the top line.

Figure 20–27 Simple imported sketch with a gap and an overlap.

You can repair the gap and overlap in this example by selecting the edges and specifying a tolerance value. When the size of the gap or the length of the overlap is less than the specified tolerance, Abaqus/CAE merges the vertices to close the gap.

Note:  During the removal of a gap or overlap, Abaqus/CAE can merge vertices by moving one vertex to coincide with the other or by moving both vertices to a location between them. If you want to control the changes to your sketch, you can constrain the line or point that you want to retain its current location before performing the gap/overlap removal.

In practice, you should remove gaps or overlaps from your sketch using an iterative process. Start by selecting the edges adjacent to the gaps or overlaps you want to remove and use the default length tolerance value of 0.001 for your first attempt. If all of the gaps or overlaps are not closed, reselect the edges and increase the tolerance. Repeat this process until Abaqus/CAE merges the selected vertices to close the gaps or overlaps.

To remove gaps and overlaps:

  1. From the modify tools in the Sketcher toolbox, select the Remove gaps and overlaps tool . For a diagram of the tools in the Sketcher toolbox, see The Sketcher tools, Section 20.4.1.

    Abaqus/CAE displays prompts in the prompt area to guide you through the procedure.

  2. Select the edges between which you want to remove gaps and overlaps. You can [Shift] + Click or [Ctrl] + Click to specify edges individually, or you can drag-select to specify all of the edges within an area in your sketch.

    Abaqus/CAE colors the selected edges red.

  3. Click mouse button 2 anywhere in the Abaqus/CAE window.

    Abaqus/CAE prompts you to select a tolerance value.

  4. For your first attempt, accept the default tolerance value and click mouse button 2 anywhere in the Abaqus/CAE window. Abaqus/CAE removes the gaps and overlaps that are smaller than the default tolerance.

  5. If you still have gaps and overlaps remaining that you want to remove, perform the following steps:

    1. Reselect the edges between which you want to remove gaps and overlaps.

    2. Increase the tolerance value in the prompt area.

    3. Click mouse button 2 anywhere in the Abaqus/CAE window.

      Abaqus/CAE removes the selected gaps or overlaps that are smaller than the default tolerance.

    4. Continue selecting edges and increasing the tolerance until Abaqus/CAE has removed all the gaps and overlaps that you want to remove from your model.

  6. When you have finished removing edges and overlaps, do one of the following:

    • Click mouse button 2 anywhere in the Abaqus/CAE window.

    • Select any other tool in the Sketcher toolbox.

    • Click the cancel button in the prompt area.

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