20.11.6 Setting sketch components as construction geometry

Use the Set as Construction tool from the Sketcher toolbox to convert a component of your sketch into construction geometry. The Unset Construction tool reverses this process for items that had been converted to construction geometry. You can unset construction geometry components only if they were converted to construction geometry using the Set as Construction tool; items that were added to the sketch as construction geometry cannot be unset.

To set items in a sketch as construction geometry:

  1. From the construction tools in the Sketcher toolbox, select the Set as Construction tool . For a diagram of the tools in the Sketcher toolbox, see The Sketcher tools, Section 20.4.1.

    Abaqus/CAE displays prompts in the prompt area to guide you through the procedure.

  2. Select the sketch item or items that you want to set as construction geometry. You can drag-select, [Shift] + Click, or [Ctrl] + Click to select multiple items.

    Abaqus/CAE indicates the items you select by coloring them red.

  3. To complete the conversion, click Done in the prompt area or click mouse button 2 anywhere in the Abaqus/CAE window.

    Abaqus/CAE displays the items you selected with dashed lines, indicating that they are now construction geometry.

  4. When you have finished selecting geometry to convert to construction geometry, do one of the following:

    • Click mouse button 2 anywhere in the Abaqus/CAE window.

    • Select any tool in the Sketcher toolbox.

    • Click the cancel button in the prompt area.

To unset construction geometry items:

  1. From the construction tools in the Sketcher toolbox, select the Unset Construction tool . For a diagram of the tools in the Sketcher toolbox, see The Sketcher tools, Section 20.4.1.

    Abaqus/CAE displays prompts in the prompt area to guide you through the procedure.

  2. Select one or more construction geometry items. You can drag-select, [Shift] + Click, or [Ctrl] + Click to select multiple items. All construction geometry is displayed in the sketch with dashed lines.

    Abaqus/CAE indicates the items you select by coloring them red.

  3. To complete the conversion, click Done in the prompt area or click mouse button 2 anywhere in the Abaqus/CAE window.

    Abaqus/CAE displays the items you selected with solid lines, indicating that they are not construction geometry.

  4. When you have finished selecting construction geometry items that you want to revert, do one of the following:

    • Click mouse button 2 anywhere in the Abaqus/CAE window.

    • Select any tool in the Sketcher toolbox.

    • Click the cancel button in the prompt area.

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