20.9.5 Realigning the sketch grid

In some circumstances the sketch grid does not align with the vertices and lines of the sketch or the underlying reference geometry. You may find it easier to create the desired sketch if you use Sketcher customization options to realign the sketch grid. If you add an existing sketch to a new blank sketch (such as for a new part), Abaqus/CAE automatically realigns the sketch grid. The customization options allow you to do the following:

Realigning the grid does not change existing features in the sketch. However, the change is applied to any new sketch entities. For example, if you rotate the grid, an existing horizontal construction line will not change; however, a new horizontal construction line will be parallel with the new X-axis. Dimensions are an exception; horizontal and vertical dimensions—new and existing—align with the default grid rotation.

When you change the grid origin or rotation and create new sketch geometry, Abaqus/CAE displays two sets of cursor coordinates. The grid coordinates are relative to the current alignment of the sketch grid; they are displayed in the upper-left corner of the viewport. The sketch coordinates are relative to the original alignment of the sketch grid; they are displayed in the upper-right corner of the viewport and do not change if you realign the grid. When both sets of coordinates are the same, Abaqus/CAE displays a single coordinate set in the upper-left corner of the viewport.

To realign the sketch grid:

  1. From the bottom of the Sketcher toolbox, select the customization tool .

    The Sketcher Options dialog box appears.

  2. From the buttons across the center of the General tabbed page, do the following:

    • Click Origin to move the origin of the sketch grid relative to the part. Select the new origin from the sketch or type the coordinates of the origin in the prompt area.

    • Click Angle to rotate the sketch grid relative to the part. Select a line that will be parallel to the X-axis of the sketch.

    • Click Reset to restore the original sketch origin and to restore the original alignment of the X-axis. Resetting the grid aligns the grid coordinates with the sketch coordinates.

    Your grid alignment changes are applied to the sketch immediately.

  3. Click OK to apply any other customizations that you made and to close the Sketcher Options dialog box.

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