To submit an adaptivity process for analysis, select AdaptivitySubmit
adaptivity process name from the main menu bar. (You can also submit an adaptivity process for analysis by selecting the process name in the Adaptivity Process Manager and clicking Submit.) Abaqus/CAE submits the process for analysis and remeshing using the settings defined in the adaptivity process.
When you start an Abaqus/CAE session and submit an adaptivity process, Abaqus/Standard sends messages to Abaqus/CAE indicating the current status of the process. Abaqus/CAE then updates the Status column in the Adaptivity Process Manager accordingly. You must keep the current Abaqus/CAE session active for automatic remeshing to occur between analysis jobs. If you exit Abaqus/CAE and start a new session, you must use manual remeshing to continue the adaptivity process. For more information, see “When do I need to use manual adaptive remeshing?,” Section 17.13.5.
In addition, Abaqus/CAE displays status information in the message area after each iteration of the adaptivity process. The status information lists the error indicator variables in each remeshing rule and whether the remeshing rule has been satisfied for that variable.