Abaqus/Explicit has a recovery mechanism for analysis jobs that terminate prematurely; for example, because of disk space or power failures. For more information, see “Selecting a job type,” Section 19.2.5. However, unlike Abaqus/Explicit, Abaqus/Standard does not have a recovery mechanism. The following example describes how you can use the restart capabilities of Abaqus/Standard to continue an analysis that terminated prematurely. Assume the following:
You analyzed Model-A containing Step-1, Step-2, and Step-3.
Because of a power outage, the analysis ended prematurely at Increment 17 of Step-2.
You requested that restart information be saved every 10 increments. As a result, the last restart information was saved at Increment 10 of Step-2.
The following procedure describes how you can recover the analysis using the last restart information that was saved:
Copy Model-A to a new model, say Model-A-recover, and make Model-A-recover the current model.
From the main menu bar, select ModelEdit Attributes
Model-A-recover. From the Edit Model Attributes dialog box that appears, do the following:
Toggle on Read data from job, and enter Job-A to indicate the job from which the restart data will be read.
Set the restart location:
Enter Step-2 to indicate the step from which the restart data will be read.
Choose Restart from increment, interval, iteration, or cycle, and enter 10 to indicate the increment from which the restart data will be read.
Choose and complete the step. Step-2 will continue the analysis after increment 10 and run to completion.
Copy Job-A to a new job, say Job-A-recover, that uses Model-A-recover. Abaqus/CAE sets the job type to Restart.
Submit Job-A-recover for analysis.