19.2.6 Monitoring the progress of an analysis job

The Job Manager and Co-execution Manager continually update the status of analysis jobs in the model database. In addition, Abaqus/CAE prints error messages from the analysis products to the message area and creates diagnostic files in your current working directory.

You can monitor information concerning a submitted job by selecting JobMonitorjob of your choice from the main menu bar or by selecting the job of your choice and clicking Monitor in the Job Manager. The job monitor dialog box for that job appears, as shown in Figure 19–2. You can display as many job monitors as necessary to view information on multiple jobs.

Figure 19–2 The job monitor.

The jobs submitted for a co-execution appear in the Model Tree in the Jobs container under the co-execution in the Co-executions container. You can monitor these jobs by clicking mouse button 3 on the job in the Model Tree and selecting Monitor.

The top half of the job monitor dialog box displays the information available in the status file that Abaqus creates for the analysis. The table headings are customized for each job based on the settings sent from the analysis. The bottom half of the dialog box displays the following information:

For detailed information on the different output files that Abaqus creates during an analysis, see Output, Section 4.1.1 of the Abaqus Analysis User's Guide.

You can search for specific error or warning messages within any of the files displayed in tabbed pages in the job monitor. Select the desired file tab, enter a search string in the Text to find field, and click Next or Previous to step through the file from one hit to the next. Toggle on Match case to perform a case-sensitive search.

The information presented in the job monitor dialog box is updated continually as the analysis progresses. If the job fails, the Errors tabbed page appears in front of the other tabbed pages automatically to help you determine the cause of the failure. In addition, an exclamation point appears on the tab if any error or warning messages are output.

If you start monitoring a job and then exit Abaqus/CAE, close the current model database, or open a new model database, Abaqus/CAE will stop updating the job monitor. The job will continue to run; however, the job monitor will not report the status of the job or update the increment information.

If you requested DOF Monitor output on a particular degree of freedom for a particular node, Abaqus/CAE provides another opportunity to monitor the job by plotting the values of the degree of freedom over time. The plot appears in a new viewport that is generated automatically when you submit the job. If the visible part of the canvas is already filled with one or more viewports, the new viewport may be placed on a part of the canvas that is not visible; in this case you should tile or cascade the viewports or enlarge the canvas to bring the viewport into view. (For information on requesting output for a particular degree of freedom for a particular node, see Degree of freedom monitor requests, Section 14.5.4.)

If necessary, you can terminate the analysis job by clicking Kill at the bottom of the job monitor dialog box.

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