18.7.3 Combining design responses

The simplest approach for combining design responses is to create an objective function with a weighted sum of design responses. Alternatively, you can combine design responses using the design response editor. You should be careful how you combine design responses to avoid creating a meaningless optimization task. In addition, you should understand how condition-based and general optimization combine terms and how they differ. The following topics are covered:

Combining design responses for a condition-based topology or shape optimization

For both condition-based topology and shape optimization the following methods are available for combining up to four design responses (, , , and ):


For both condition-based topology and shape optimization the following methods are available for combining two design responses ( and ):


For both condition-based topology and shape optimization the following methods are available for operating on a single design response:

Absolute value
Common logarithm
Natural logarithm
Square root
Nth Root
Nth Power
Nearest integer number
, the difference between two iterations

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Combining design responses for a general topology optimization

For a general topology optimization you can create a design response that is calculated as the absolute difference between two design responses of the same type or a weighted combination of several (up to 10) displacement design responses. A typical example uses the absolute difference in the displacement between two design responses to constrain the displacement of two vertices relative to each other. The following table shows which design responses can be combined:

Design responsesAbsolute differenceWeighted sum
Displacements and rotation
Absolute displacements and rotations  
Reaction forces
Absolute reaction forces  
Internal forces
Absolute internal forces  
Modal eigenfrequencies 

Although a design response is a single scalar value, you can use the appropriate weighting to combine design responses that are defined in different directions or in different coordinate systems.

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Filtering a design response for a shape optimization

You can apply a filter to a design response that will smooth out local peaks for a shape optimization. The filter is defined as

where is the filter function for node j. The main filter function, , decreases with the distance, d, between nodes i and j. The maximum radius of influence, , defines the maximum distance from node j for the nodes i to influence the filter value. The local curvature, , is approximated by the vector product of the node normal, , and the neighboring nodes, . The curvature dependency, , defines a weight function that reduces the radius at higher local curvature.

You can specify the following:

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Applying a cutoff filter to a design response for a shape optimization

You can apply a filter that cuts off local peaks of the design response for a shape optimization. You can specify the following:

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Normalizing a design response for a shape optimization

You can normalize the vectors used as terms for the algorithm that calculates a shape optimization. You may want to normalize design responses before you combine them using a weighted combination; for example, if different loads are applied to different regions. If desired, you can apply either of the following nomalizations:

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