17.21.4 Choosing remeshing rule constraints

You can define constraints on the element size that Abaqus/CAE will apply during the adaptive remeshing process. You can also specify rate limits that control the introduction of larger and smaller elements and modulate how aggressively Abaqus/CAE applies the sizing method.

The minimum and maximum element sizes that you specify limit the size used in the mesh sizing function, which Abaqus/CAE uses to guide the internal meshing algorithm. The sizes that you specify are not absolute constraints on the element size—the element sizes in the generated mesh only approximate the sizing function. Therefore, some element edges may be larger or smaller than the maximum and minimum element sizes that you specified.

The maximum number of elements that you specify limits the number of elements generated by the mesh sizing function. The mesh sizing function adjusts the target error and the element sizes such that the number of elements generated in a remeshing region does not exceed the specified value. The number of elements in the generated mesh (as with the element sizes) only approximates the sizing function. Therefore, the number of elements generated may be greater than the maximum number of elements that you specified.

To choose constraints on the element size:

  1. From the Create Remeshing Rule dialog box, click the Constraints tab.

  2. Specify the minimum and maximum Element Size.

    • Specify a Minimum value to impose a lower bound on the size of the elements calculated by the remesh algorithm. You can choose either the minimum element size computed by Abaqus/CAE, or you can enter the minimum element size.

    • Specify a Maximum value to impose an upper bound on the size of the elements calculated by the remesh algorithm. You can choose either the maximum element size computed by Abaqus/CAE, or you can enter the maximum element size.

  3. If desired, specify the Approximate maximum number of elements to impose an upper bound on the total number of elements calculated by the remesh algorithm.

  4. Specify the Rate Limits.

    • The Refinement rate limit modulates the aggressivity of the sizing method and controls the introduction of smaller elements. Choose one of the following:

      • Use default to specify a refinement limit midway between High and Low.

      • Specify and drag the Refinement slider to specify the rate limit. Specifying Low indicates minimal reduction in the element size; specifying High indicates a maximum reduction of the original element size.

        The refinement factor has a significant effect on the convergence of the adaptive meshing procedure and may help you achieve faster and more efficient mesh convergence.

      • Do not refine to prevent reduction in the element size.

    • The Coarsening rate limit modulates the aggressivity of the sizing method and controls the introduction of larger elements. Choose one of the following:

      • Use default to use the default limit.

      • Specify and drag the Coarsening slider to specify the rate limit. Specifying Low indicates minimal growth in the element size; specifying High indicates a maximum growth of the element size.

      • Do not coarsen to prevent growth in the element size.

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