You can select SeedPart or Seed
Instance from the main menu to define the approximate element size for all edges of a part or part instance that do not already have magenta-colored edge seeds. Seeds defined in this way are called part seeds or instance seeds and are colored white. (For more information, see “Controlling the seed density,” Section 17.4.3.) You should apply seeds to all edges. If a uniform seed distribution is sufficient, the recommended approach is to seed the entire part or part instance.
To create part or instance seeds:
From the main menu bar, select SeedPart or Seed
Abaqus/CAE displays prompts in the prompt area to guide you through the procedure.
You can also seed a part or part instance using the tool, located with the seed tools in the Mesh module toolbox. (For more information, see “Using the Mesh module toolbox,” Section 17.15.)
If you are seeding a part instance and your assembly contains more than one part instance, select the part instance to seed and click mouse button 2.
Note: Edge seeds always override part and instance seeds; therefore, if you have already individually seeded all the edges of the part or part instance, the instance seeds are unused and do not appear. If necessary, use the seed deletion tool, described in “Deleting edge seeds,” Section 17.16.8, to remove any unwanted edge seeds; if you have assigned part or instance seeds, these seeds automatically appear on the edges where you delete edge seeds.
In the Global Seeds dialog box that appears, enter an approximate element size.
By default, Abaqus/CAE applies curvature control to the seeding of your part or part instance such that small holes or regions of high curvature are properly approximated in the mesh. Curvature control allows Abaqus/CAE to calculate the seed distribution based on the curvature of the edge along with the target element size. To control the effect of curvature on seeding, enter a value for the Maximum deviation factor. The deviation factor is a measure of how much the element edges deviate from the original geometry. To help you visualize the influence of the deviation factor, Abaqus/CAE displays the number of elements it would create around a circle corresponding to the setting that you enter.
If desired, change the Minimum size control. Specifying a minimum size control helps prevent Abaqus/CAE from creating unnecessarily fine meshes in areas of high curvature if these areas are not important to the analysis intent. Choose one of the following options:
Specify the minimum as a fraction of the global element size. Abaqus/CAE uses this method with a value of 0.1 (10%) as the default minimum size.
Enter an absolute minimum element size. The size must be greater than 0.0 and less than the approximate global element size.
Click Apply to view the seeding that Abaqus/CAE will use, and adjust the values that you entered in the Global Seeds dialog box if necessary.
Click OK to commit the element size and to close the dialog box.
White seeds appear on all edges of the part or part instance except those already assigned magenta edge seeds.
To exit the part or instance seeding procedure, press [Enter] or click mouse button 2.