17.7.7 What kinds of meshes cannot be generated automatically?

There are a few types of meshes that you cannot create using the mesh generator in the Mesh module:

Compatible meshes between part instances of the same assembly

Compatibility means that the element faces or element edges of the meshes of adjacent part instances share the same nodes and have the same topology at the common interface. You cannot prescribe mesh compatibility between instances. However, you can use the Merge/Cut tool in the Assembly module to merge multiple instances into a single part instance. You can then create a single compatible mesh from the single part instance. See Compatible meshes between part instances, Section 17.14.3, for more information.

Symmetric meshes

You cannot ensure that Abaqus/CAE will generate a symmetric mesh for a symmetric part or part instance.

Bottom-up meshes

Bottom-up meshing is a manual process. You must set and apply the parameters to create the mesh for each region to which you have assigned the bottom-up meshing technique.