16.11.7 Defining a fluid turbulence field

You can create a fluid turbulence field to define the following initial conditions for fluids in an Abaqus/CFD analysis:

For more information, see Chapter 30, Fluid dynamic analyses.”

To create or edit a fluid turbulence field:

  1. Display the fluid turbulence field editor using one of the following methods:

    Note:  You can create or edit a fluid turbulence field only in the initial step. For more information, see Chapter 30, Fluid dynamic analyses.”

  2. By default, the fluid turbulence field is applied to the whole model. If you want to change the region for which the fluid turbulence field applies, do the following:

    1. Click .

    2. Select one or more regions or sets from the viewport.

    3. From the prompt area, click Done.

    Abaqus/CAE updates the fluid turbulence field editor to reflect your selection.

  3. Specify the initial conditions for the selected turbulence model. The fluid turbulence editor displays the parameters appropriate for the turbulence model that is active in the current flow step.

    • For the Spalart-Allmaras turbulence model, enter the initial viscosity value in the Kinematic eddy viscosity field.

    • For the k RNG turbulence model, enter the following values:

      1. In the Turbulent kinetic energy field, enter the initial turbulent kinetic energy, k, for the fluid.

      2. In the Dissipation rate field, enter the initial dissipation rate, , for the fluid.

  4. Click OK to save your data and to exit the editor.

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