15.17.14 Specifying behavior settings for tabular data

You can specify behavior settings for the regularization (Abaqus/Explicit analyses only) and the extrapolation of tabular data that you use to define elasticity, damping, user-defined friction, plasticity, and damage behavior options and connector derived component terms. You can also specify settings for the evaluation of rate-dependent data in an Abaqus/Explicit analysis for selected behavior options. For more information, see Defining connector behavior using tabular data” in “Connector behavior, Section 31.2.1 of the Abaqus Analysis User's Guide.

You can modify the behavior settings for all of the behavior options in a connector section, or you can specify the behavior settings for individual behavior options. Behavior settings for individual behavior options take precedence over the connector section behavior settings. You specify behavior settings for all of the behavior options in a connector section on the Table Options tabbed page of the connector section editor. For more information, see Creating connector sections, Section 15.12.11.

To display context-sensitive help for options in the Edit Table Options dialog box, you must select the option of interest and then press [F1]. (The Help menu in the main menu bar is unavailable while the dialog box is displayed.)

To specify behavior settings for tabular data for individual connector behaviors:

  1. Display the Edit Table Options dialog box.

  2. In the Regularization portion of the dialog box, specify the settings for the regularization of data in an Abaqus/Explicit analysis.

    1. Specify which regularization behavior settings to use for this behavior option.

      • Toggle on Use behavior settings to use the regularization behavior settings that apply to all of the behavior options in the connector section.

      • Toggle off Use behavior settings to use the regularization behavior settings that you specify in this dialog box.

    2. By default, Abaqus/Explicit regularizes the data into tables that are defined in terms of even intervals of the independent variables.

      • Toggle on Regularize data to regularize tabular data.

      • Toggle off Regularize data to turn off regularization of the tabular data and use the data that you define directly.

    3. If you want to regularize tabular data, specify the error tolerance.

      • Choose Use default to use the default value of 0.03.

      • Choose Specify, and enter a value for the error tolerance.

  3. The Rate Options portion of the dialog box is available if you are defining plasticity behavior that includes isotropic hardening or damage initiation behavior. You can specify settings for the evaluation of rate-dependent data in an Abaqus/Explicit analysis. These settings apply only for plasticity behavior that includes isotropic hardening using a Tabular definition (the force-constitutive motion data are specified directly in tabular form) or damage behavior with plastic motion–based initiation criteria.

    1. Specify the value of the rate filter factor, .

      • Choose Use default to use the default value of 0.9.

      • Choose Specify, and enter a value (). A value of provides no filtering and should be used with caution.

    2. Specify the interpolation method.

      • Choose Linear to use linear intervals for the equivalent relative plastic motion rate while interpolating rate-dependent damage initiation data.

      • Choose Logarithmic to use logarithmic intervals for the equivalent relative plastic motion rate while interpolating rate-dependent damage initiation data.

  4. In the Extrapolation portion of the dialog box, specify the settings for the extrapolation of data.

    1. Specify which extrapolation behavior settings to use for this behavior option.

      • Toggle on Use behavior settings to use the extrapolation behavior settings that apply to all of the behavior options in the connector section.

      • Toggle off Use behavior settings to use the extrapolation behavior settings that you specify in this dialog box.

    2. Specify the method for the extrapolation of tabular data. The data points that you enter make up a nonlinear curve in the constitutive space. By default, Abaqus extrapolates the dependent variables as constant values that correspond to the end points of the curve outside the specified range of the independent variables.

      • Choose Constant to use constant extrapolation of the dependent variables outside the specified range of the independent variables.

      • Choose Linear to use linear extrapolation of the dependent variables outside the specified range of the independent variables.

  5. Click OK to save your behavior settings and to return to the connector section editor.

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