15.13.8 Defining self-contact

A self-contact definition can be used as an alternative to general contact to model contact interactions between different areas of a single surface. Certain interaction behaviors can be defined only by using self-contact. For a brief overview of self-contact and other types of interactions available in Abaqus, see Understanding interactions, Section 15.3, and Contact interaction analysis: overview, Section 36.1.1 of the Abaqus Analysis User's Guide.

You can define self-contact in any step, including the initial step. Select InteractionCreate from the main menu bar and select the surface. You can define self-contact between an edge of a wire, a face of a solid, or a face of a shell. Certain connectivity restrictions apply to contact surfaces depending on the type of contact formulation. You can deactivate a self-contact interaction in a step and, if desired, reactivate this interaction in a subsequent step. You can also deactivate the interaction in a step if it will no longer be needed in the analysis.

You can obtain contact data for a specific self-contact interaction by using the field and history output request editors in the Step module. In the Domain section of the editors, select Interaction and choose the name of the self-contact interaction from the menu that appears. For more information, see Creating an output request, Section 14.12.1.

The procedure for defining self-contact depends on whether you are performing an analysis using Abaqus/Standard or Abaqus/Explicit. This section provides instructions for using the interaction editor to define the different surface-to-surface contact options. The following topics are covered:

Defining self-contact in an Abaqus/Standard analysis

Certain interaction behaviors can be defined in Abaqus/Standard only by using self-contact; see Contact simulation capabilities in Abaqus/Standard” in “Contact interaction analysis: overview, Section 36.1.1 of the Abaqus Analysis User's Guide, for more information.

To define self-contact in an Abaqus/Standard analysis:

  1. From the main menu bar, select InteractionCreate.

    Tip:  You can also create a self-contact interaction using the tool in the Interaction module toolbox.

  2. In the Create Interaction dialog box that appears, do the following:

  3. Click Continue to close the Create Interaction dialog box.

  4. Use one of the following methods to select the surface:

    The Edit Interaction dialog box appears.

  5. Select the discretization method.

    • Select Node to surface to use the node-to-surface discretization method.

    • Select Surface to surface to use the surface-to-surface discretization method.

    For more information, see Discretization of contact pair surfaces” in “Contact formulations in Abaqus/Standard, Section 38.1.1 of the Abaqus Analysis User's Guide.

  6. Different fields become available depending upon your discretization method selection.

  7. Select a contact interaction property. If desired, click to create the interaction property; see Defining a contact interaction property, Section 15.14.1, for more information.

    If you choose the Surface to surface discretization method, the contact interaction property that you select cannot specify a “hard” contact pressure-overclosure relationship. For more information, see Contact constraint enforcement methods in Abaqus/Standard, Section 38.1.2 of the Abaqus Analysis User's Guide, and Defining mechanical contact property options” in “Defining a contact interaction property, Section 15.14.1.

  8. If desired, click the arrow next to the Contact controls field and select the customized contact controls to use for this interaction. Only previously created Abaqus/Standard contact controls appear in the list. For more information, see Specifying contact controls in an Abaqus/Standard analysis, Section 15.13.9.

  9. To deactivate and reactivate a contact interaction in a step, toggle Active in this step. The contact pair is active in the step in which it was created. For more information, see Removing and reactivating contact pairs” in “Defining contact pairs in Abaqus/Standard, Section 36.3.1 of the Abaqus Analysis User's Guide.

  10. Click OK to create the interaction and to close the editor.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

Defining self-contact in an Abaqus/Explicit analysis

Certain interaction behaviors can be defined in Abaqus/Explicit only by using self-contact; see Contact simulation capabilities in Abaqus/Explicit” in “Contact interaction analysis: overview, Section 36.1.1 of the Abaqus Analysis User's Guide, for more information.

To define self-contact in an Abaqus/Explicit analysis:

  1. From the main menu bar, select InteractionCreate.

    Tip:  You can also create a self-contact interaction using the tool in the Interaction module toolbox.

  2. In the Create Interaction dialog box that appears, do the following:

  3. Click Continue to close the Create Interaction dialog box.

  4. Use one of the following methods to select the surface:

    The Edit Interaction dialog box appears.

  5. Choose the mechanical constraint formulation.

    • Choose Kinematic contact method to use a kinematic predictor/corrector contact algorithm.

    • Choose Penalty contact method to use the penalty contact algorithm.

    For more information, see Contact constraint enforcement methods in Abaqus/Explicit, Section 38.2.3 of the Abaqus Analysis User's Guide.

  6. Select a contact interaction property. If desired, click to create the interaction property; see Defining a contact interaction property, Section 15.14.1, for more information.

  7. If desired, click the arrow next to the Contact controls field and select the customized contact controls to use for this interaction. Only previously created Abaqus/Explicit contact controls appear in the list. For more information, see Specifying contact controls in an Abaqus/Explicit analysis, Section 15.13.10.

  8. To deactivate and reactivate the contact interaction, toggle Active in this step. The contact pair is active in the step in which it was created.

  9. Click OK to create the interaction and to close the editor.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items: