Table 15–3 summarizes the connection types available when creating connector sections. You can define basic, assembled, complex, and MPC connection types.
Basic types
Basic connection types include translational types and rotational types. Translational types affect translational degrees of freedom at both endpoints of the wires to which the connector section is assigned and may affect rotational degrees of freedom at the first points of the wires. Rotational types affect only rotational degrees of freedom at both endpoints of the wires. You can use a single basic connection type (translational or rotational) or one translational and one rotational type.
Assembled types
Assembled connection types are predefined combinations of basic connection types.
Complex types
Complex connection types affect a combination of degrees of freedom in the connection and cannot be combined with other connection types. They typically model highly coupled physical connections.
MPC types
MPC connection types are used to define multi-point constraints between two points.