15.3 Understanding interactions

You can use the Interaction module to define the following types of interactions:

General contact

General contact interactions allow you to define contact between many or all regions of the model with a single interaction. General contact is also used to define contact between Lagrangian bodies and Eulerian materials in a coupled Eulerian-Lagrangian analysis (see Defining contact in Eulerian-Lagrangian models, Section 28.3). Typically, general contact interactions are defined for an all-inclusive surface that contains all exterior faces; feature edges; and—in Abaqus/Explicit—analytical rigid surfaces, edges based on beams and trusses, and Eulerian material boundaries. To refine the contact domain, you can include or exclude specific surface pairs. Surfaces used in general contact interactions can span many disconnected regions of the model. Attributes, such as contact properties, surface properties, and contact formulation, are assigned as part of the contact interaction definition but independently of the contact domain definition, which allows you to use one set of surfaces for the domain definition and another set of surfaces for the attribute assignments. For detailed instructions on creating this type of interaction, see Defining general contact, Section 15.13.1.

General contact interactions and surface-to-surface or self-contact interactions can be used together in the same analysis. Only one general contact interaction can be active in a step during an analysis.

For more information, see Contact interaction analysis: overview, Section 36.1.1 of the Abaqus Analysis User's Guide; Defining general contact interactions in Abaqus/Standard, Section 36.2.1 of the Abaqus Analysis User's Guide; Defining general contact interactions in Abaqus/Explicit, Section 36.4.1 of the Abaqus Analysis User's Guide; and Eulerian analysis, Section 14.1.1 of the Abaqus Analysis User's Guide. The assignment of a penalty stiffness scale factor is not supported in Abaqus/CAE. In addition, node-based surfaces cannot be used in a general contact interaction in Abaqus/CAE.

Surface-to-surface contact, self-contact, and pressure penetration

Surface-to-surface contact interactions describe contact between two deformable surfaces or between a deformable surface and a rigid surface. Self-contact interactions describe contact between different areas on a single surface. For detailed instructions on creating these types of interactions, see Defining surface-to-surface contact, Section 15.13.7; Defining self-contact, Section 15.13.8; and Using contact and constraint detection, Section 15.16. For more information, see Defining contact pairs in Abaqus/Standard, Section 36.3.1 of the Abaqus Analysis User's Guide, and Defining contact pairs in Abaqus/Explicit, Section 36.5.1 of the Abaqus Analysis User's Guide.

If your model includes complex geometries and numerous contact interactions, you may want to customize the variables that control the contact algorithms to obtain cost-effective solutions. These controls are intended for advanced users and should be used with great care. For more information, see Contact controls editors, Section 15.9.4.

A pressure penetration interaction allows you to simulate the pressure of a fluid penetrating between two surfaces involved in surface-to-surface contact. The fluid pressure is applied normal to the surfaces. You must create a surface-to-surface contact interaction to specify the master and slave surfaces for the pressure penetration. The bodies forming the joint can both be deformable, as is the case with threaded connectors; or one can be rigid, as occurs when a soft gasket is used as a seal between stiffer structures. A pressure penetration interaction can be used only in an Abaqus/Standard analysis. For detailed instructions on creating pressure penetration interactions, see Defining pressure penetration, Section 15.13.16. For more information, see Pressure penetration loading, Section 37.1.7 of the Abaqus Analysis User's Guide.

Fluid cavity

A fluid cavity interaction allows you to select and assign properties to a liquid- or gas-filled fluid cavity in the model. Fluid cavity selection includes a reference point and the surface that encloses the cavity. The properties are defined in a fluid cavity interaction property (for more information, see Understanding interaction properties, Section 15.4). You can define fluid cavity interactions in the initial step of an Abaqus/Standard or an Abaqus/Explicit analysis. The fluid cavity interaction remains constant throughout all steps of an analysis; you cannot modify or deactivate it after the initial step. For detailed instructions on creating fluid cavity interactions, see Defining a fluid cavity interaction, Section 15.13.11.

Fluid exchange

A fluid exchange interaction allows you to define movement of fluid between a cavity and the environment or between two cavities. To create a fluid exchange interaction, you must first select an existing fluid cavity interaction for each cavity (one for exchange to environment or two for exchange between cavities). Then you can select or create a fluid exchange interaction property (for more information, see Understanding interaction properties, Section 15.4) and set the effective exchange area. For detailed instructions on creating fluid exchange interactions, see Defining a fluid exchange interaction, Section 15.13.12.

XFEM crack growth

An XFEM crack growth interaction allows you to activate or deactivate growth of a crack created using the extended finite element method. For detailed instructions on creating this type of interaction, see Deactivating and activating an XFEM crack growth, Section 31.3.5.

Model change

A model change interaction allows you to remove and reactivate elements during an analysis. You can use model change interactions in all Abaqus/Standard analysis procedures except for the static, Riks procedure and linear perturbation procedures. For detailed instructions on creating this type of interaction, see Defining a model change interaction, Section 15.13.13. For more information on removing and reactivating elements, see Element and contact pair removal and reactivation, Section 11.2.1 of the Abaqus Analysis User's Guide.

Cyclic symmetry (Abaqus/Standard only)

Cyclic symmetry enables you to model an entire 360° structure at considerably reduced computational expense by analyzing only a single repetitive sector of a model. You can create cyclic symmetry interactions only in the initial step. Once a cyclic symmetry interaction is created, cyclic symmetry applies to the entire analysis history. If you deactivate a cyclic symmetry interaction in a frequency step, Abaqus/CAE evaluates all possible nodal diameters being evaluated for that step. For detailed instructions on creating this type of interaction, see Defining cyclic symmetry, Section 15.13.19. For more information about cyclic symmetry in Abaqus, see Analysis of models that exhibit cyclic symmetry, Section 10.4.3 of the Abaqus Analysis User's Guide.

Elastic foundation (Abaqus/Standard only)

Elastic foundations allow you to model the stiffness effects of a distributed support on a surface without actually modeling the details of the support. You can create elastic foundation interactions only in the initial step. Once an elastic foundation is activated, you cannot deactivate it in later analysis steps. For detailed instructions on creating this type of interaction, see Defining foundations, Section 15.13.20. For more information, see Element foundations, Section 2.2.2 of the Abaqus Analysis User's Guide.

Cavity radiation (Abaqus/Standard only)

Cavity radiation interactions describe heat transfer due to radiation in enclosures. Two cavity radiation models are available in Abaqus/CAE: a fully implicit definition and an approximation. The full version can be used for heat transfer without deformation in two-dimensional, three-dimensional, and axisymmetric models. It can include open or closed cavities and accounts for symmetries and surface blocking, but it does not support surface motion within cavities. For detailed instructions on creating this type of interaction, see Defining a cavity radiation interaction, Section 15.13.21.

The cavity radiation approximation is defined using a surface radiation interaction. You can approximate cavity radiation in any heat transfer analysis, with or without deformation. However, approximate cavity radiation can be used only for closed cavities in three-dimensional models. The approximation treats the cavity as a black body enclosure with a temperature equal to the average temperature of the entire surface. Under these limited conditions, approximate cavity radiation can save considerable computational expense. For detailed instructions on creating this type of interaction, see Defining a surface radiative interaction, Section 15.13.24.

For more information on both types of cavity radiation, see Cavity radiation, Section 41.1.1 of the Abaqus Analysis User's Guide.

Thermal film conditions

Film condition interactions define heating or cooling due to convection by surrounding fluids. Two types of film condition interaction are available in Abaqus/CAE: surface film conditions define convection from model surfaces, and concentrated film conditions define convection from nodes or vertices. You can define film condition interactions only during a heat transfer, fully coupled thermal-stress, or coupled thermal-electrical step. For detailed instructions on defining these types of interactions, see Defining a surface film condition interaction, Section 15.13.22, and Defining a concentrated film condition interaction, Section 15.13.23, respectively. For more information, see Thermal loads, Section 34.4.4 of the Abaqus Analysis User's Guide.

Radiation to and from the ambient environment

Radiation interactions describe heat transfer to a nonreflecting environment due to radiation. Two types of radiation interactions are available in Abaqus/CAE: surface radiation interactions describe heat transfer with a nonconcave surface, and concentrated radiation interactions describe radiation from nodes or vertices. You can define radiation interactions only during a heat transfer, fully coupled thermal-stress, or coupled thermal-electrical step. For detailed instructions on creating these types of interactions, see Defining a surface radiative interaction, Section 15.13.24, and Defining a concentrated radiative interaction, Section 15.13.25, respectively. For more information, see Thermal loads, Section 34.4.4 of the Abaqus Analysis User's Guide.

Abaqus/Standard to Abaqus/Explicit co-simulation

For an Abaqus/Standard to Abaqus/Explicit co-simulation, you must specify the interface region (region for exchanging data) and coupling schemes (time incrementation process and frequency of data exchange) for the co-simulation. In each model, you create a Standard-Explicit co-simulation interaction to define the co-simulation behavior; only one Standard-Explicit co-simulation interaction can be active in a model. The settings in each co-simulation interaction must be the same in the Abaqus/Standard model and the Abaqus/Explicit model.

A Standard-Explicit co-simulation interaction can be created only in a general static, implicit dynamic, or explicit dynamic step. The interaction is valid only in the step in which it is created and is not propagated to subsequent steps. For detailed instructions on creating this type of interaction, see Defining a Standard-Explicit co-simulation interaction, Section 15.13.14. For more information, see Structural-to-structural co-simulation, Section 17.3.1 of the Abaqus Analysis User's Guide.

Fluid-structure co-simulation (between Abaqus/CFD and Abaqus/Standard or Abaqus/Explicit)

For a fluid-structure interaction (FSI) you must specify the interface boundary (region for exchanging data) and coupling step period for the co-simulation. In each model you create a fluid-structure co-simulation interaction to define the behavior; only one co-simulation interaction can be active in a particular model.

Within the fluid model (Abaqus/CFD) the FSI co-simulation interaction can be created only in a flow step. Within the structural model (Abaqus/Standard or Abaqus/Explicit), the FSI co-simulation interaction can be created only in an implicit dynamic, explicit dynamic, or heat transfer step.

For detailed instructions on creating this type of interaction, see Defining a fluid-structure co-simulation interaction, Section 15.13.15. For more information, see Fluid-to-structural and conjugate heat transfer co-simulation, Section 17.3.2 of the Abaqus Analysis User's Guide.

Incident waves

Incident wave interactions model incident wave loading due to external acoustic wave sources. For detailed instructions on creating this type of interaction, see Defining incident waves, Section 15.13.18. For more information, see Acoustic and shock loads, Section 34.4.6 of the Abaqus Analysis User's Guide.

Acoustic impedance

An acoustic impedance specifies the relationship between the pressure of an acoustic medium and the normal motion at an acoustic-structural interface. For detailed instructions on creating this type of interaction, see Defining acoustic impedance, Section 15.13.17. For more information, see Acoustic and shock loads, Section 34.4.6 of the Abaqus Analysis User's Guide.

Actuator/sensor (Abaqus/Standard only)

An actuator/sensor interaction models a combination of sensors and actuators and, therefore, allows for modeling control system components. Currently, this type of interaction allows sensing and actuation at just one point. For detailed instructions on creating this type of interaction, see Defining an actuator/sensor interaction, Section 15.13.26.

The interaction definition and its optional associated property are used to define the basic aspects of the interaction, but the user must provide user subroutine UEL to supply the specific formulae for how actuation depends on sensor readings. You specify the name of the file containing the user subroutine when you create the analysis job in the Job module.

Warning:  This feature is intended for advanced users only. Its use in all but the simplest test examples will require considerable coding by the user/developer. User-defined elements, Section 32.17.1 of the Abaqus Analysis User's Guide, should be read before proceeding.

Actuator/sensor interactions are available only for Abaqus/Standard analyses. For more information, see User subroutines and utilities, Section 18.1 of the Abaqus Analysis User's Guide.

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