14.3.5 Replacing an Abaqus/Standard procedure with an Abaqus/Explicit procedure or vice versa

If you want to replace an Abaqus/Standard analysis procedure with an Abaqus/Explicit analysis procedure or vice versa, you must have only one analysis step in the model for the desired procedure type to appear in the Replace Step dialog box. If your model contains multiple steps, you can use step-dependent managers to move objects to a single step. You can then delete the other steps and replace the remaining step with the new analysis procedure.

For example, if you want to change a model that contains four Static, General procedures from an Abaqus/Standard analysis to an Abaqus/Explicit analysis, you can use the Load Manager to move all of the loads into one of the four steps. Similarly, you can use the Interaction Manager to move the interactions. You can then delete the other three steps and replace the remaining step with a Dynamic, Explicit procedure. If desired, you can create additional Abaqus/Explicit steps and use the step-dependent managers to move objects that were copied during step replacement to the appropriate Abaqus/Explicit procedures.

For more information, see Modifying the history of a step-dependent object, Section 3.4.6.

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