You can use the Step module to perform the following tasks:
Create analysis steps
Within a model you define a sequence of one or more analysis steps. The step sequence provides a convenient way to capture changes in the loading and boundary conditions of the model, changes in the way parts of the model interact with each other, the removal or addition of parts, and any other changes that may occur in the model during the course of the analysis. In addition, steps allow you to change the analysis procedure, the data output, and various controls. You can also use steps to define linear perturbation analyses about nonlinear base states. You can use the replace function to change the analysis procedure of an existing step.
Specify output requests
Abaqus writes output from the analysis to the output database; you specify the output by creating output requests that are propagated to subsequent analysis steps. An output request defines which variables will be output during an analysis step, from which region of the model they will be output, and at what rate they will be output. For example, you might request output of the entire model's displacement field at the end of a step and also request the history of a reaction force at a restrained point.
Specify adaptive meshing
You can define adaptive mesh regions and specify controls for adaptive meshing in those regions.
Specify analysis controls
You can customize general solution controls and solver controls.