To create multiple copies of a selected part instance in a linear pattern, select InstanceLinear Pattern from the main menu bar. You can create a pattern that extends in one direction (for example, horizontally or vertically), or you can create a pattern that extends in two directions (for example, both horizontally and vertically). You cannot edit a pattern after you create it. You can specify the following:
The number of instances to create in each direction, including the selected instance. You can create any number of instances.
The spacing between each instance along the specified direction.
A line that defines the direction along which Abaqus/CAE generates the instances.
To create a linear pattern of part instances:
From the main menu bar, select InstanceLinear Pattern.
You can also create a linear pattern of part instances using the tool from the Assembly module toolbox. For a diagram of the tools in the Assembly toolbox, see “Using the Assembly module toolbox,” Section 13.9.
Select the part instances that you want to copy.
Tip: To select more than one instance, hold down the [Shift] key as you click each instance or drag a rectangle around the instances. To unselect an instance, use [Ctrl] + Click. For more information, see Chapter 6, “Selecting objects within the viewport.”
Click mouse button 2 to indicate that you have finished selecting instances.
Abaqus/CAE displays the Linear Pattern dialog box.
From the Linear Pattern dialog box, configure the pattern in Direction-1 (by default, Direction-1 is the X-direction):
Click the arrows to the right of Number to increase or decrease the number of copies to create, including the selected instances. The number of copies in the assembly updates when you click the arrows and provides a preview of the setting.
Alternatively, you can type in a number and press [Enter] to preview the setting. You can enter any number greater than or equal to 1. If you enter a value of 1, Abaqus/CAE displays only the selected instances and does not create any copies of the selected instances; in effect, you are disabling copies in Direction-1.
Enter the Spacing between each copy along the specified direction.
By default, Abaqus/CAE creates the copies along the X-direction. If you want to change the direction in which Abaqus/CAE creates the copies, click and select a line from the assembly to define the new direction. You must pick a straight edge or a datum axis.
By default, Abaqus/CAE creates the copies in the positive direction. Click to reverse the direction in which Abaqus/CAE creates the copies.
To create copies in a second direction, enter a Number greater than 1 and specify the Spacing, the Direction, and the Flip direction for Direction-2 (by default, Direction-2 is the Y-direction). You must enter a Number greater than 1 for at least one direction.
In most cases you will want to preview the linear pattern that Abaqus/CAE will create as you enter values in the Linear Pattern dialog box. However, if you choose to create a large number of copies, the preview capability may impact the performance of Abaqus/CAE. In this case you should toggle off the Preview button.
To copy more instances, repeat the above steps beginning with Step 1.